Post by Elias MårtensonPost by Adam Sjøgren* reformat an email containing a thread of emails full-bottom-quoted
into the "correct" format (top quoted)
I guess the latter isn't that useful, but sometimes I reformat threads
to make them understandable.
Fair enough (and yes, I'm aware of the fact that I made a mistake with my
previous message).
(I hope you took the comment tongue-in-cheek, as it was meant. It is
very easy to get used to doing "Outlook"-quoting).
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonThe first suggestion is what Gmail is doing, I believe, and it seems to
work quite well.
Yes, that must be where I have seen it.
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonThe second suggestion is not really workable.
That's what I meant by it being less useful - only in cases like this
thread, it can be used. And maybe on some technical mailing lists.
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonAnyone who has been working in an organisation that uses Outlook
extensively (like where I work) knows that the chains become very
long, and reformatting to put the entire message (or even message
chain) on top would make it incredibly difficult to read.
Yes, you would have to trim and interleave the quotes as well, which
would make the functionality less useful.
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonMy tool does not address this at all.
Indeed - every time your tool is mentioned, I think: "Oooh, nice!", and
then I read what it does, and remember that it isn't really what *I*
need; which I why I brought up the two other functionalities.
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonIn fact, using shr to render the HTML Outlook emails works really well
in almost all cases, and for the remaining ones all you need to do is
to press K H to render it in a browser.
I know, I work in a place where everybody but me and a handful of other
people use Outlook.
I don't have any problems with them, when I reply "top quote"-style with
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonMy tool ensures that the reply chain is preserved when you reply.
How it this different from a normal Reply in Gnus, where you add your
text at the top?
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonBelieve it or not, but in many companies, when someone wants to inform
another person of a previous discussion, he simply forwards the email
to the recipient, and the entire chain is there for him.
I think, sadly, that this is every company by now.
As a matter of principle, I still trim excessive .signatures etc. from
such emails, but I have given up teaching everybody how to use email.
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonThus, you need to make sure that no matter how you write your mails,
you need to ensure that the previous chain is preserved, including
inline images etc. That is what my tool does.
I guess this is where my colleages and yours differ, nobody uses inline
images and formatting enough to expect them to be preserved at "my" place.
Or maybe they are too polite to complain to me.
Post by Elias MÃ¥rtensonI'm brining this up here, because I feel that this functionality should be
part of Gnus.
I don't think Gnus supports, directly, anything but *display* of HTML emails?
Best regards,
"Va' kallt det är.." Adam Sjøgren
"Mmmh? Det brukar det vara om vintern!" ***